Crafting Narratives, Pioneering Progress: The Pulse of Modern Marketing.

The science is clear. So is the strategy.

Over 120 countries are now committing to Net Zero 2050 goals. It is no longer a “nice to have” but a “must-have” in order to remain compliant and competitive. In its 2020 Survey of Sustainability Reporting, KPMG found that 80% of companies worldwide now report on sustainability.¹

During that time, Schneider Electric™ established itself as a leading expert in sustainability and decarbonization. We ourselves are recognized for our best practices in sustainability, earning the #1 position from Corporate Knights in 2021. We’re also a clean energy leader: We’re the #1 largest corporate consultant on renewable energy purchasing, with 60% market share in the U.S., the most active market to-date, and have advised on large-scale renewable energy contracts in 8 countries across 4 continents