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This is a beginner’s guide to checkpoints in Apache Flink® and provides all the necessary information about how to use Flink’s checkpointing mechanism for distributed, stream processing applications.

Every stream processing application, whether this is a streaming data pipeline or a streaming SQL application, can be stateful; meaning that it involves some sort of state.

To persist state in an easy-to-manage way and recover from a failure, Apache Flink implements a mechanism that allows reprocessing only the events from a specific point in time (previously-stored state) instead of replaying the entire history of the application.

Readers of this guide will learn:

–  Why checkpoints are necessary for event streaming applications

–  How checkpointing in Apache Flink® works

–  How to configure checkpoints in Apache Flink® by choosing an application’s state backend and checkpoint storage

–  What are the differences between the available state backend options in Apache Flink®

–  How to set up checkpoint intervals in Flink